Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Vegetarian "Spaghetti and Meatballs"

After being pretty burned out from cooking for the past 2 months, I am finally starting to get back into it again. I even hope to have a new post from Michael Symon's Live to Cook in the next couple of weeks. Just a hint but it involves a few pounds of pork belly.

What I'm about to write about might make it so Michael Symon never speaks to me again - a vegetarian dish! If you've been reading my blog for a while, you probably know I am a big supporter of local farmers and this is the second year we've belong to Plum Creek Farm's CSA. That means we have a fridge full of fresh veggies all summer long. Earlier this week, Michael Ruhlman, who describes himself as, "...someone who all but baths in animal protein and pork fat," created this simple - it took me less than 30 minutes to make - and satisfying recipe to take advantage of the garden's bounty - Vegetarian "Spaghetti and Meatballs."

As I was cooking dinner, my wife walked into the room and asked what I was making. I described the dish as Vegetarian "Spaghetti and Meatballs" with julienned zucchini, yellow squash, and carrots as "spaghetti noodles" and cherry tomatoes as "meatballs." She sighed and asked where the carb, protein and meat were. Fortunately we were both very pleasantly surprised how delicious this dish turned out. Check out Ruhlman's blog to see how he made it or read below to see how I adapted his recipe.

Photo courtesy of Donna Ruhlman via

Vegetarian "Spaghetti and Meatballs”
Slightly Adapted from Ruhlman’s Recipe -

3 tablespoons butter (I would use less next time)
1 shallot
1/3 cup red onion
salt, to taste
6 garlic cloves
1 zucchini
1 yellow squash
2 large carrots
Crushed red pepper, to taste
freshly ground pepper
Freshly grated Parmesan cheese, to taste
Tomatoes, preferably cherry tomatoes (“meatballs”)

Using a mandolin or good knife skills, julienne the zucchini, squash, and carrot.

Finely chop the onion, shallot, and garlic.

Melt half the butter in a skillet over medium heat. 

Add shallot, red onion, and garlic and salt and cook for a couple minutes until translucent,

Add the zucchini, squash, carrot, and additional butter. Season with salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper and saute until tender, 2 to 3 minutes. 

Plate the “spaghetti noodles” (squash & carrot mixture), grate Parmesan cheese over the top, and finish with the “meatballs” (cherry tomatoes or other tomatoes).



  1. Any recipe that involves this phrase "chop the onion, shallot, and garlic" - and I'm sold :)

  2. I made the Ruhlman recipe as well (minus the red onion and tomatoes) twice, once without carrots (I didn't have any). The carrots definitely add a lot, and the preparation is so simple that once you've done it you don't even need to refer back to the recipe. I'll try it with tomato (and maybe red onion) next time. The tender/crisp texture is really good.

  3. Hey I’m not sure if you have a lot more healthy recipes of your own that you make, but if you do, you should send them into this contest I know of. It’s coming to Cleveland on September 25-26th! I noticed your blog and thought you would be interested. You could get great exposure for your recipes and meet celebrity cooks (Bobby Flay, Sunny Anderson, Sara Moulton, or Cat Cora). All you have to do is go to to submit one of your healthy recipes. Deadline to sign up for Cleveland is September 8th so hurry! Good luck if you decide to enter, and if not, keep posting! :)

  4. Thanks for your spaghetti recipe, I tried one the other night and it wasn't very good. I will try yours this week on spaghetti night and let you know how the judges receive it.

  5. I love the color and the texture of this salad/spaghetti. I love how you made a twist out of the generic spaghetti recipe.

  6. That looks really interesting. I wonder how it tastes? I will try it out next time I'm able to put the ingredients together.


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