Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Live to Cook at Home, the Television Edition

As I mentioned last week in this post, the Channel 3 Morning News interviewed me about my blog while I made Michael Symon's beef cheek pierogies for Easter. If you are interested in seeing the interview, tune into WKYC Channel 3 Wednesday morning from 5-7 am. Or, if you are like me and you'll still be sleeping at that hour, set your DVR to record it. I can't wait to see how it turned out!

UPDATE: You can view the interview on channel 3's website.

I'll be blogging about how they are made in the next week or so and if they post the interview on the channel 3's website I will post a link to it. In the mean time, you can read about Heights Eats experience making them via this link.


  1. I had the pleasure of eating the results of this cooking venture on Easter. The perogies were the best I have ever had. The horseradish creme freche (sp?)and sauteed mushrooms really made them special. Looking forward to seeing what they will put on TV. MOM

  2. Dave,

    Thanks for the link! Unfortunately I just read your post so I missed the chance to DVR the segment. I hope it turned out well!


  3. Hey Ben,

    It did turn out well. I added a link to the interview in the post above. Check it out if you are interested.



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